Three pillars of life

Three pillars of life

Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy new year

So ladies and gentlemen, you must be thinking why am I so late in wishing Happy New Year??

Well, it is because I don't just want to wish you but, contribute in making your new year happy. You must be thinking how am I going to do it? Do I know the situation you are in and have a perfect cure for your problem?

Yes, I do know the situation you are in, I was in the same situation, trust me. Whenever new year came, I would make new year resolutions, decide what I wanted to do and achieve in this year and then making a plan to achieve the goals I set but then out of nowhere problems start arising, like I am too tired to get up early in the morning and practice yoga, so I would decide to start from tomorrow, I would decide to study regularly, but every time it was time to study there was a great movie playing on the TV which I couldn't resist watching, or friends are calling me for an outing and obviously the only choice I made is postpone my plan. This process got repeated so many times that I got used to postponing my plan and then one fine day, without my knowledge my new year resolution was lying in the remote corner of my brain. And this day was hardly a month away from the 1st of January.

Does it sounds familiar with your experience? Have you made such resolutions and couldn't stick to the plan?

If yes then keep reading otherwise you don't need my advice.

For those who are reading, it is very easy to come out of this situation and make your plan work. The remedy to your situation is in three words. Now sit tightly as I am going to tell you those magical 3 words which are going to change your life forever-

The 3 words are-


Yes, you read it right, to make your plan work, you just have to MAKE IT SIMPLE.

What do I mean by SIMPLE?

SIMPLE means 3 E..

1) Easy to make
2) Easy to work with
3) Easy to get results

Now we will get in to details of the 3Es.

1) Easy to make-

To make the plan easy to make just cut the crap. Don't think about the things which are not related. If you have doubt about the relation, then simply assume it have no relation if there is no fatal danger. You will get to know about the relation later on, automatically. For example, why to include 1st of January in your plan? Does it really have any relation to your resolution? Mostly it does not have any relation with the plan (what do 1st of January have any effect on starting a fitness workout or practicing yoga?). You can start from just now. Don't wait till your enthusiasm dies.

2) Easy to work with-

Your plan should not change your lifestyle drastically all of a sudden, the change should be gradual. Because there is always resistance to change so make the changes slowly but persistently. For example- I will sleep 15 minutes earlier today and get up 15 minute earlier tomorrow so as to get those 15 minutes of time in the morning to yoga. No drastic change like getting up 1 hour earlier than normal and doing 1 hour yoga. That's not going to work. 15 minutes is enough and do-able.

3) Easy to get results-

Results are very important. Positive results keeps our moral high. Positive results keeps us going. So your plan must be designed in such a way do as to get results easily. If it is really difficult to get results then the plan doesn't work. For example of you practice yoga for 15 minutes in the morning with proper understanding and attention to your body, you will feel much relaxed the whole day. That's a good result.

That's a simple hack you can use to make new resolutions from now, you don't need to wait for a new year to make new year resolution, just start from now, one small step at a time.

Remember ONLY ONE SMALL STEP AT A TIME, MAKE IT SIMPLE is the way towards better health, wealth and happiness.

See you soon.. Till then have a simple life and extraordinary results...

The POWER is when,
You use ODDS,
To get EVEN.