Three pillars of life

Three pillars of life

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Do you enjoy your own company?

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen...

Today in the lunch time I was sitting at my table, reading an article about behavioural finance, there was no one in the office and one guy named Kiran came and sat at his table. Just after 10 seconds Kiran started flipping through some papers, making some comments (so as to attract my attention), yawning louder but I didn't budge, so after about one or two minutes of efforts to attract my attention Kiran finally got up and sat on the chair in front of me and started to make conversation with me. Kiran was trying to gossip then talking about weather then finally trying to talk about tax saving, (he started talking about tax and money because he knew that would interest me) but I was constantly showing him lack of interest, putting my head in my smart phone on every opportunity, ignoring him and testing his patience. (I am not always this much rude, but you would never know when I am doing my experiments 😉) This went on for around 15 minutes, till then Kiran was on the verge of leaving the room but couldn't just sit and keep quiet. To his rescue, another colleague appeared in the scene, a guy named Rohan came in, immediately with a relief, Kiran started talking with Rohan. They kept chit chatting on various useless topics.(I don't have any idea what they are going to do by getting an up to date information of a love affair going on in the neighbourhood office, or about some loose comments of a film actor and many more such topics, including bitching about others.)

Everyone knows there is no point in doing all these things. But still most are involved or rather addicted in such things whenever situations permit. But the question is why Kiran wanted so desperately to talk with someone who is not even paying attention to him, who seems preoccupied? Wasn't he feeling insulted? But why he still persisted in talking?

I see people everywhere who are not at all interested in listening or taking up any knowledge. They just want someone to listen and talk themselves out. They are just like a proverbial crocodile with a HUGE, LONG, BIG MOUTH AND NO EARS.(well I have lots of respect for crocodile as it is one of the many masterpieces of natures adaptive engineering, (a crocodile is a cold blooded creature, can control it's heartbeats, can reduce it's heartbeats to just 2 per minutes, can hold it's breath up to 45 minutes, can live for days without food or water(yes you read it right, ' without water') and there are many more characteristics but that is not the topic of discussion here)).

The point is that there are many people around us which can not just sit quietly. But why? Why they want someone's company? Why they want keep talking?

As most of the time such people are only talking useless things and not listening, my guess is that they are LAZY and AFRAID. They don't want to confront the reality, they don't want to confront the real problems, they just want to be preoccupied and make it as an excuse to neglect the real problems or the reality.


(Real problems like why they are stuck in the same place in the office which they don't like at all, or why their health is diminishing fast, or why there is lack of understanding or lack of love in their family, or why they have to keep doing their most hated job for money etc. There are enough of such small but real problems for everyone.)

The other guy is going ahead in life is not a problem for you, but YOU are not going ahead in life is a problem for you.

So what's the cure?

Most of the wise Rishi's and Maha-Rishi's from old scriptures have unanimously vouched for-


Which roughly means- Meditate, Contemplate and Reflect.

Now what is meant by MEDITATION?

Meditation is observing your own thoughts from a distance; neutrally; so that you don't get disturbed by the thoughts.


You now know the useful thoughts from the useless ones. So now you automatically start CONTEMPLATING more and more about the useful thoughts, so the useless ones just vanish.

As you think on the useful thoughts more and more, you start acting on it and then comes the phase of REFLECTION. Where you reflect on the whole process; fine-tune it and repeat.

That's the way to grow spiritually.

So next time when you find yourself alone, just sit, lean back, relax and observe your own thoughts. You will feel much better.

That's it for now. More about mind and meditation coming soon..

Till then have a great time..

The POWER is when,
You use ODDS,
To get EVEN.

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