Three pillars of life

Three pillars of life

Monday, October 19, 2015

Expert Career Guidance

Yesterday, I was just browsing free online classifieds website-

I found an interesting section - CAREER GUIDANCE.

I kept on browsing and to my amazement I found too many personal advertisements, all looking for expert career guidance advice. My thought process got stimulated as, why so much of these people feel that they need career guidance? I never felt like I need career guidance. It means there is something I must find out. Whether I am missing something or these guys needing expert career guidance are missing something?

So I just started mailing to their email address to know more about what they are looking for?

Though there was difference between their educational qualification, there was strikingly high level of similarity with most of the emails. So most of the time our email correspondence went like as follows-

Hi Vijay,

I saw your advertisement on
which said that you need expert career guidance.

To be frank I am not a professional career counsellor. But I am interested to know what are you stumbled at? What is your qualification or present situation?

I write a blog-

Your story can be a good material for a new blog post. Also it will be helpful for my blog readers. Don't worry, your privacy will not be compromised.

If you don't feel like replying, it's perfectly fine. I won't bother you again.

Thanks in advance,

The POWER is when,
You use ODDS,
To get EVEN.

(Note:- The name Vijay is imaginary, just to give you an idea.)

To this email, most of the time the reply was,

Hi Sumit,

Actually I am just graduated (or graduating or  doing a job at ....... as .......... but I am not satisfied with the current job etc.). I need career guidance.


Up on doing some conversation with them, the common pattern was-

1) I tried to know about their education in detail, their background, their likings etc.

2) Asking them what job would he or she like to do. On which the usual answer was, I don't know, that is why I need expert career guidance.

3) Then I tried to ask their goals in life, like where he or she wanted to be day 10, 20, 30 years from now.

4) The common reply was, nicely settled with a decent job with a good monthly pay cheque, a nice home to live in, a happy family, and the common sentence,"Just like everyone else wants.." 😄

I was really amazed with this strikingly common pattern of thoughts.

Anyone can observe-
1) None have given a thought to where they wanted to be in the future.

2) None have even thought about what kind of job they would be happy to do or what kind of job they can do which is of any help to the possible employer.

3) Those who are presently doing a job does not know exactly why they want to change the job or career.

Without the above three points asking for a career guidance is just like asking a ticket to a railway booking counter or getting in to a cab and telling the driver to drive. The ticket booking clerk can't book a ticket for you unless you tell him the destination. Same is the case with cab driver, he won't drive unless you give him the destination.

This condition means only two possibilities, either people don't know how to plan for a career, or they are plain lazy.

This blog ( can't do anything about lazy people, rather lazy people will never read this blog. So we will get to "how can people plan their career?"

There are thousands of career options out there so people get confused. But, truly speaking, it is easy to plan a career. There are just three steps to plan a career-

1) Imagine where you wanted to be 10, 20, 30 years from now.

It is much easy that people think it is. Just imagine doing what you love to do (what you love to do must be of any use for at least a little part of the population or it can be able to earn you money). Doing it as a respected person. With enough time for yourself and for your family.

For example I like investing in companies,I like reading, learning etc. 10 years from now I see myself retired from job. Awaking in the morning when my I feel like it, preparing for yoga, eating the breakfast of my choice, while having breakfast taking a look at any developments in my investments, then planning how to spend the day with full freedom to do anything. After finishing breakfast, going for bath and then for the plan I just decided. I may spend my whole day reading or watching movies or may be at some tourist destination, or may be taking classes on how to retire early or about worldly wisdom, spending time with family, working out at evening, again spending time with family, watching television then sleep.

Your goal can be different from mine. You may want to be a world famous painter 10 years down the line. Or you may want to travel the world. Or you may want to start a NGO. You may want to help the needy. You may want to develop a vaccine against HIV thereby preventing AIDS. May be you have a product idea and aspiring to be an entrepreneur. Your goal can be anything. Just take your time to visualise it in detail. Otherwise you won't be able to go ahead, or choose a path.

In the book "The Psychocybernetics" by "Maxwell Maltz". The writer says that, human mind works like a goal striving mechanism. If you feed your subconscious mind with detailed goal, it will start working to achieve it. Your subconscious mind will automatically prompt you the way towards goal. You must listen to your subconscious mind and start moving. Our subconscious mind has a feedback mechanism which constantly tries to keep us on the route to our goal. But if you are not moving at all then this mechanism can't work. If a person do not feed his subconscious mind with a goal and keep it idle then his whole mind and body will start turning into a useless, lifeless, unhappy condition. So you must feed it one or more goals. It will start working automatically. You just need to listen to the solutions provided by your subconscious mind and act on them.
Well, enough for now about our subconscious mind. We will talk about it in detail later.

2) Start your journey-

Take the first step towards your goal. I am not telling you to take a leap, just a small step. Because leaping involves risk of falling and suffering heavy damage to your ability to take next step. We are not afraid of failure here, just cautious enough to minimise it. If you don't move, your subconscious guidance system doesn't work. So moving ahead is very important. Even if a few steps go in wrong direction, eventually you will learn to correct your direction.

For example, if you want to be an owner of a resort and you don't have any money to set up one, or don't even know what is needed, how to handle everything. The first thing you have to do is get a job in a resort, at any level possible. Slowly keep an open mind. Keep learning how the resort works, how the supplies comes, how it was constructed, how the land was procured, how the capital was raised, how the recruitment was done etc. Even if you don't know what to learn and what questions should you ask yourself, you will come to know when you get in. Excel in what you do and start climbing the career ladder. You will slowly amass money as well as experience. You will understand the business model. And then you can set up your own. This process is not as easy as it sounds here, it requires a lot of patience, determination, integrity,

but the most important thing is,


3) Keep on improving-

It's not all done once you achieve your goal. There is intense competition out there so you need to keep on improving to stay in the game. Follow a lean and agile system so that you can change as per changing environment, may it be business, social or nature etc.

Set new goals and repeat. 😉

Real life story-

A childhood friend of mine Atul was from a very poor financial background. His family used to live in one room. His family was always struggling in the financial front due to poor income and lack of education.

As Atul grew, he constructed a goal for himself, to live in a decent owned flat. For this goal to materialise, he needed money, which was a lot for his background. So he thought on it searched for ways of getting cheap but niche education, the field doesn't matters for him. Atul was only focused on his goal, a decent flat with 100% equity. So he chose to to get a diploma in surface coating technology. The course was available at very meagre fees, it was a niche field, so there was job surety and a good career prospect. He got support from his family, completed the course and landed in to a job. It was in a low paying company. As the payment was low, there was high attrition rate. But he persisted, he never lost sight of his goal. The job was very tough. Job involved solving customer complaints, which was never ending. You solve one complaint and the other arises before the first is solved. But he persisted. Atul's motto was just somehow tackle today. Do what you can to solve the customer complaints and pass the day. As days were passing, his corpus was building. As there many recruits came and left he became the most experienced employee, claiming pay raise and promotions.

On one fine day, he had sufficient corpus at his hand, he bought a decent flat with some help of mortgage funding. His goal was achieved. Later on he decided a new goal of clearing the mortgage loan. So then he changed the job with a better paying one, the work at job is now eased. And he is close to clear the mortgage or may have cleared it as I haven't had a word with Atul for long.

May be he is after a new goal.

I hope you got the idea, how easy it is to plan a career. Also how personal it is to plan a career? Can you imagine any career counsellor doing it better than you? Can she get your perspective, your wishes, your wants? It is so personal that none except you can do it.

So, what are you waiting for? Your mommy is not gonna help you here, start working on it.

Have a nice day.

The POWER is when,
You use ODDS,
To get EVEN.

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