Few days back I was reading a blog- fundooprofessor.com
That is when I came across the concept of "ABILITY TO SUFFER".
This was the missing link in my thinking framework. Rather I had a framework for thinking about businesses but the exact thing to call it was missing. Well, the framework for thinking is another topic of discussion. For now let's concentrate on Ability to Suffer.
You must be thinking that what does the Ability to Suffer has to do on the blog related to Health, Wealth and Happiness? Aren't we looking to avoid suffering?
Well, if you ask me, my answer to the first question would be, A Lot.
The basic or the foundation of enduring health, wealth and happiness lies in your Ability to Suffer.
Let's think about the relation of Ability to Suffer with all the pillars of life-
1) Health:-
If you have read my posts on-
Ageing and Anti-Ageing - 2 of the most popular words in cosmetics advertising.
The Language of Exercise - Our way towards being Healthy
3 most important aspects of living
No. 1 Misconception about great health
You must have understood that, to get good health you must inflict a little catabolism on your body. Our body is a Complex Adaptive System so it reacts to this catabolism by unleashing it's anabolic response. This anabolic response makes our body stronger. Therefore, the next time when you will be trying to inflict catabolism on your body through exercises, you have to take more efforts because your body is now stronger than before.
In short, you make your body strong by making it suffer. And why do you need a strong body? To make it able to withstand any microbial attacks or any rigorous work. In short you make your body resistant to suffering. In other words with exercise and diet, you increase your body's ability to suffer.
2) Wealth:-
Wealth can be grown only in businesses or investments. But both these ways are not easy. The world's greatest investor who is now second richest man in earth on Forbs list, a billionaire- Mr. Warren Buffett says, "Investing is not supposed to be easy, whoever things it is easy is a fool." The way to wealth contains a lots of traps, mistakes, losses, various risks, the process of decision making etc.
Now the process of building wealth is different for every person. Just like every person on earth is different in some way, each person who have accumulated wealth have accumulated it in a different way. The corollary to this thought is if you are trying to copy someone else's way to wealth, it is the recipe for disaster. Because you don't know actually what was the real thought process behind the accumulation of wealth with that particular person. It may be the case that, he may just have got lucky.😉 (but we can't just depend on luck to accumulate wealth. If you are relying on luck then stop reading samanyabuddhi.blogspot.com , this blog is not for you.)
Therefore to make your own way to wealth you have to try different things and spot those which works for you and then stick to them. But until you find the way that works for you, you are going to suffer losses. You may minimise the losses (and you should minimise your losses) by making the experiments on very small scale. But it is just a plane hard fact that, there are more chances that you are going to suffer losses to you find the best way to make wealth.
There is another fact to keep in mind that,
Therefore once you find a way to make money, it is not going to work infinitely.
"Everything that begins have an end."
So after sometime the profits you were earning from your way week start diminishing our you may get in to losses. At such times, you must be having enough diversification to protect you from total bankruptcy. Even if you suffer losses you must be having enough strength left to be there to play the game the next day. And trust me this can happen for days in a row. I hope you got the point.
3) Happiness:-
Now you must be thinking what does suffering has to do with happiness? I used to think lack of suffering must be the state of happiness.
But just think about it, what are the common sources of unhappiness for the rich and the poor??
Poor relations in family members, lack of understanding, lack of mental peace, lack of love, lack of trust, unachieved dreams, failed partnerships, failed investments etc. Poor health is also a source of unhappiness but we just covered it above.
How these sources of unhappiness can be minimized? I am saying minimised because some amount of unhappiness is necessary to drive is forward. (NEED IS THE SOURCE OF INVENTION)
Lack of love and trust can be cured by being trustful and loving in nature, but in both the cases it is not necessary that if you trust or love someone then he or she should also do the same. Many times the trust is broken, love is not returned or sometimes some people also take disadvantage of love.
There are two ways you can find love and trust in your life-
⬜ wait for it to find you (passive way)
⬜ you start searching (active way)
Both ways work. You can wait for a person to come to you and love you, trust you, or you can go out, love, trust and see who returns the same to you. If you go out and search for it then your odds of finding love and trust multiplies. In this active process you will suffer a lot of heartbreaks, you will come across people who will not return love or trust, or some may even misuse your nature. This way of finding love and trust is full of suffering, but the prize is worth much more.
Failed investments, failed partnerships are also the same. Unless you do it, you won't find good partnerships or investments. You learn your lessons from your suffering. The more your ability to suffer, the more are your chances of finding more good investments and good partnerships.
Unachieved dreams can be achieved by trying incessantly and learning from failure.
If you are ready to suffer and learn from it then anything is achievable to you.
My take is the "lean technique" -
Perform small experiments, or better learn from others failure, get the data, refine your strategy, charge ahead.
See you soon and have a nice day.
The POWER is when,
You use ODDS,
To get EVEN.
That is when I came across the concept of "ABILITY TO SUFFER".
This was the missing link in my thinking framework. Rather I had a framework for thinking about businesses but the exact thing to call it was missing. Well, the framework for thinking is another topic of discussion. For now let's concentrate on Ability to Suffer.
You must be thinking that what does the Ability to Suffer has to do on the blog related to Health, Wealth and Happiness? Aren't we looking to avoid suffering?
Well, if you ask me, my answer to the first question would be, A Lot.
The basic or the foundation of enduring health, wealth and happiness lies in your Ability to Suffer.
Let's think about the relation of Ability to Suffer with all the pillars of life-
1) Health:-
If you have read my posts on-
Ageing and Anti-Ageing - 2 of the most popular words in cosmetics advertising.
The Language of Exercise - Our way towards being Healthy
3 most important aspects of living
No. 1 Misconception about great health
You must have understood that, to get good health you must inflict a little catabolism on your body. Our body is a Complex Adaptive System so it reacts to this catabolism by unleashing it's anabolic response. This anabolic response makes our body stronger. Therefore, the next time when you will be trying to inflict catabolism on your body through exercises, you have to take more efforts because your body is now stronger than before.
In short, you make your body strong by making it suffer. And why do you need a strong body? To make it able to withstand any microbial attacks or any rigorous work. In short you make your body resistant to suffering. In other words with exercise and diet, you increase your body's ability to suffer.
2) Wealth:-
Wealth can be grown only in businesses or investments. But both these ways are not easy. The world's greatest investor who is now second richest man in earth on Forbs list, a billionaire- Mr. Warren Buffett says, "Investing is not supposed to be easy, whoever things it is easy is a fool." The way to wealth contains a lots of traps, mistakes, losses, various risks, the process of decision making etc.
Now the process of building wealth is different for every person. Just like every person on earth is different in some way, each person who have accumulated wealth have accumulated it in a different way. The corollary to this thought is if you are trying to copy someone else's way to wealth, it is the recipe for disaster. Because you don't know actually what was the real thought process behind the accumulation of wealth with that particular person. It may be the case that, he may just have got lucky.😉 (but we can't just depend on luck to accumulate wealth. If you are relying on luck then stop reading samanyabuddhi.blogspot.com , this blog is not for you.)
Therefore to make your own way to wealth you have to try different things and spot those which works for you and then stick to them. But until you find the way that works for you, you are going to suffer losses. You may minimise the losses (and you should minimise your losses) by making the experiments on very small scale. But it is just a plane hard fact that, there are more chances that you are going to suffer losses to you find the best way to make wealth.
There is another fact to keep in mind that,
Therefore once you find a way to make money, it is not going to work infinitely.
"Everything that begins have an end."
So after sometime the profits you were earning from your way week start diminishing our you may get in to losses. At such times, you must be having enough diversification to protect you from total bankruptcy. Even if you suffer losses you must be having enough strength left to be there to play the game the next day. And trust me this can happen for days in a row. I hope you got the point.
3) Happiness:-
Now you must be thinking what does suffering has to do with happiness? I used to think lack of suffering must be the state of happiness.
But just think about it, what are the common sources of unhappiness for the rich and the poor??
Poor relations in family members, lack of understanding, lack of mental peace, lack of love, lack of trust, unachieved dreams, failed partnerships, failed investments etc. Poor health is also a source of unhappiness but we just covered it above.
How these sources of unhappiness can be minimized? I am saying minimised because some amount of unhappiness is necessary to drive is forward. (NEED IS THE SOURCE OF INVENTION)
Lack of love and trust can be cured by being trustful and loving in nature, but in both the cases it is not necessary that if you trust or love someone then he or she should also do the same. Many times the trust is broken, love is not returned or sometimes some people also take disadvantage of love.
There are two ways you can find love and trust in your life-
⬜ wait for it to find you (passive way)
⬜ you start searching (active way)
Both ways work. You can wait for a person to come to you and love you, trust you, or you can go out, love, trust and see who returns the same to you. If you go out and search for it then your odds of finding love and trust multiplies. In this active process you will suffer a lot of heartbreaks, you will come across people who will not return love or trust, or some may even misuse your nature. This way of finding love and trust is full of suffering, but the prize is worth much more.
Failed investments, failed partnerships are also the same. Unless you do it, you won't find good partnerships or investments. You learn your lessons from your suffering. The more your ability to suffer, the more are your chances of finding more good investments and good partnerships.
Unachieved dreams can be achieved by trying incessantly and learning from failure.
If you are ready to suffer and learn from it then anything is achievable to you.
My take is the "lean technique" -
Perform small experiments, or better learn from others failure, get the data, refine your strategy, charge ahead.
See you soon and have a nice day.
The POWER is when,
You use ODDS,
To get EVEN.
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