I love cats. Cats are one of the many masterpieces of nature's adaptive engineering skills. Cats are very loving, soft, beautiful animals and also deadly, cruel, capable killers at the same time. The most important thing is they know which role to play at which time. A pet cat sitting on your side, expressing it's love for you with the deep and tender 'grrrrrr grrrrrr' sound can sense it's pray or enemy nearby and starts playing it's deadly killer role within a fraction of a second.
Actually I like all the animals in the CAT family, including Tigers, Lion, Leopard; the bigger siblings of our domestic cats. They are almost similar except size and strength.
But they all have one thing in common- "The Attitude".
They have a very distinct confident but carefree attitude. Big cats are really the king of the jungle. If you look at them, you will know, 'they are the undisputed king of the jungles'.
Our domestic cats have the same attitude, same everything, except the size.
As I like to observe and learn, I quickly learnt to understand when the cats are hungry and immediately give then the required food. So my pet cats don't have to worry about the food when I am there. So their Royal attitude remains intact in my company. But what happens when I am not there to feed them is a very interesting thing.
When I am not at home and my pet cats feel hungry, it has two options, either go out and search for a prey or to ask for food to my parents. The first option had very high uncertainty of getting food, they also have to compete with other animals which are after the same prey. But the second option offers some certainty. They will get food if they can convey the message over and over again. So most of the times the cats choose the second option. That is to ask for food.
(Domestic cats convey this message that they want food by, making that deep grrrrr, grrrrr sound and "myaaw, myaaw", simultaneously rubbing their cheeks, body and tail against our feet. (what a demeaning behaviour !!!) Demeaning because they don't do this the other times, that means they don't like doing it. At other times they are exhibiting their Royal attitude. To show their love they just sit beside us or on our laps or body and make that grrrr, grrrrr sound, or they just sit on your belongings like your quilts, bag, table etc. And look at you lovingly.)
Their whole Royal attitude is ruined when they ask for food. And the Royal attitude goes down and down as this process is repeated. But the process can be reversed if they are provided the food before they need to ask. Again their Royal attitude returns.
Amazing story isn't it!!!!
This story will become more amazing and fascinating once you substitute humans for cats and money for food and what a man does to earn the money. The story is equally true.
As domestic cats have two ways to get food we also have two ways to earn money-
1) Go out and earn money of your own.(similar to hunting, a way full of uncertainty, but full of dignity.)
2) Take a refuge to an employer and be a salaried person.(similar to asking for food to the owner by pleasing him, a way with a lot of certainty, but less dignity.)
(see my post on 'ONE IDIOT')
Similar to the domestic cats most of us also choose the option with a lot of certainty and keep doing the job for the sake of money. Even if we don't like doing that job we still keep doing it for the sake of money. We do it year after year and so on up to an extent where this demeaning kind of behaviour is so much ingrained in our brain that we no longer feel it as a demeaning task. We perform our own brainwashing without ever realising it. We even teach our children the same thing- ' to get good grades in the school and college so that you can land in a good paying job.'
It's like the proverbial 'BOILING FROG SYNDROME' (it is said that if we put a frog in a boiling water, it will immediately jump out of the boiling water, but if we put a frog in water at room temperature and slowly heat the water to boil, the frog will not jump out and die. It is because the frog is unable to notice the small changes in temperature of the water, even though the changes are deadly.) We seldom notice small changes in our life until its too late.
Or then there is a social proof bias preprogramed in our brain which prompts us to do what most others are doing.
All this results in to a kind of entrapment.
But don't worry, you can easily get out, just like my cats have found out their way. They just stay with me as they know, they will get food without having to ask or beg. So how can one get the money without asking or doing any job?
To know how read my posts on 3 MOST IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF LIFE - WEALTH.
Enough for today.
Hope you got the lesson from my cats as I did.
See you soon. Till then enjoy the life..
The POWER is when,
You use ODDS,
To get EVEN.
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She loves me... She loves me not... |
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