Three pillars of life

Three pillars of life
Showing posts with label Eureka.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eureka.. Show all posts

Sunday, June 14, 2015

What you can learn from Jason Bourne!!!

My all time favorite movie character is Jason Bourne (played by Matt Damon) from the movie series- The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy & The Bourne Ultimatum. Well, I am far from being like Jason Bourne, who is prepared for anything life throws at all the time..

But I do wish to be like him. What I do like the most about him is his cold blooded attitude towards the world. Though he is in great trouble he still concentrates on what is in his control and uses it against the ODDS. Sounds familier?

Well that is what I always try to do, Whenever in trouble I remind myself THE POWER IS WHEN, YOU USE ODDS TO GET EVEN. This one sentence gets me going through any difficulty in my life. It is like a source of inspiration for me. A little sentence which can easily be remembered with perfect metaphor, Quickly recallable, Multipurpose(I still have not got in to any trouble by using this source of inspiration, if anytime I get in to trouble because of it, I promise you, I will tell you ASAP).

So what I observed is that our Hero Mr. Jason Bourne apart from his stunts, always keeps his mind open, do not do things which will get him in to trouble, keeps a low profile, thinks for himself independently (thinking independently is the rarest thing in todays world, just recall when did you last thought about yourself without thinking about what others would say? Or what others do in same situation? We generally borrow thoughts from others and make them ours. This tendency though safe in many times won't get us out of the RAT RACE going around us or won't give us financial freedom either.), never wastes his precious time on thinking about things that are out of his control, but do keeps an eye on them to take advantage when conditions become favorable, he always has goals in his mind, keeps his composure all the time, if conditions are not favorable then simply stays away, he takes only calculated risks.

He is the best at doing all this.

But do you think only a super agent of a secret service in movies only have licence to do these things?? Are these all traits useless in our daily life??

Of course not. We can use all these characteristics for our benifit in our life. When I started acting like an agent just for fun, I quickly realised that, "Man!!! This is not just a secret agent's stuff. This stuff works wonders for an average person like you and me too."

For example when I went to furniture showroom to purchase a wardrobe, I did my homework with my wife, we selected the design of the wardrobe according to our need, as we went to the showroom I started acting like an agent. Imagined that the sales people are my enemy. Started looking for his tactics, and Bingo!! the salesman started playing mind tricks, he started inserting different needs in my wife's mind, she too started devieting from what we wanted, I counteracted by telling "These are not our needs, our needs are what we discussed at home, sorry buddy but we already have selected our model."

But without homework I would have spent atlest 50% more than required.

That was an awesome EUREKA moment for me.

We have our goal to be Financially free,  Happy and Piecefull or adventurous whatever you like.

What are you waiting for?? Be a Jason Bourne, think as if you just came in to conciousness, you forgot all your preconceptions, start moving towards your goal with a fresh mind, start gathering things which will get you there. You must act now or there is our society which is ready to suck you in the RAT RACE. Watch out from it and stay on your mission.

The POWER is when,
you use ODDS
to get EVEN..